CVE Training Curriculum - The MENA Edition
The curriculum provides training for government and civil society workers on the field of countering violent extremism, whether or not they have prior experience with it.
The field of countering violent extremism is rapidly growing and changing as we learn from practice and research. However, these rapid changes have made it difficult for practitioners in government and civil society to understand the latest trends, good practices, and lessons learned. This curriculum is an attempt at overcoming these challenges.
This training curriculum was produced by Search for Common Ground in collaboration with Hedayah and generously financed by the European Union through the STRIVE Global Program.
The curriculum is structured into ten learning modules and is accompanied by training materials, including a facilitator’s guide, slide presentations, handouts, and pre-recorded webinars to allow for multi-day trainings. The materials include a series of activities for each module and links to illustrative videos that provide primers for discussion and reflection.
This curriculum delivers a contextually literate training program on countering violent extremism and awareness-raising that is relevant and accessible across regional contexts. It highlights the benefits of collaborative approaches that go beyond military or securitized responses to violent extremism and offers tools and guidance for easy adaptation to local contexts and cultures. Finally, it encourages the early identification and mitigation of risks with programming, as well as ensuring a Do No Harm approach.
Pre and Post Test
Module 1 Conceptual grounding in countering violent extremism MENA
Module 2 Understanding drivers of violent extremism in a contextualized manner MENA
Module 3 Engaging Community Leaders and Families in Countering Violent Extremism MENA
Module 6 Understanding and Engaging Youth in Countering Violent Extremism MENA
Module 7 Education’s Role in Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism MENA
Module 8 Understanding the Role of Narratives and Media in Violent Extremism MENA
Module 9 Utilizing an Innovative Toolbox Leveraging New Media and Technology MENA
Module 10 Monitoring and Evaluation of Efforts in Response to Violent Extremism MENA