Building a world without extremism and violent extremism 01 / 09

Building a world without extremism and violent extremism

We reduce extremism and violent extremism through evidence-based and innovative programs, strategic communications and world-class research.

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Our impact: Over 200 activities, benefiting 21,000 people across over 100 countries 02 / 09

Our impact: Over 200 activities, benefiting 21,000 people across over 100 countries

For 10 years, Hedayah has been at the forefront of efforts to counter and prevent extremism and violent extremism. Watch to learn more.

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The impact of COVID-19 on extremism and violent extremism narratives 03 / 09

The impact of COVID-19 on extremism and violent extremism narratives

A major research program investigating the impact of COVID-19 on terrorist and extremist narratives.

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Tackling extremism and violent extremism through STRIVE Global 04 / 09

Tackling extremism and violent extremism through STRIVE Global

With 39 projects in 11 countries, the STRIVE Global program tackles radicalization and violent extremism through localized solutions. Watch a snapshot of the program’s impact in those countries.

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Meet the Imam using music & theater to challenge violent extremism 05 / 09

Meet the Imam using music & theater to challenge violent extremism

Find out how religious leaders are playing a powerful role in combating extremism and violent extremism in Tunisia.

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How can I build a successful Radical Right counter-narrative campaign? 06 / 09

How can I build a successful Radical Right counter-narrative campaign?

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Breaking the cycle of violence 07 / 09

Breaking the cycle of violence

Around 3,000 Tunisians left to join terrorist groups abroad, 600 of which have returned home. Find out how we are ensuring effective reintegration and rehabilitation.

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The Daesh Files: How Daesh spread its ideology to children 08 / 09

The Daesh Files: How Daesh spread its ideology to children

Daesh targeting children under their control with dangerous propaganda. We show how governments and teachers can reverse indoctrination.

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MASAR: use our latest technology to measure & monitor CVE programs 09 / 09

MASAR: use our latest technology to measure & monitor CVE programs

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Our Impact

Click a region* to see our programs

East & Southern Africa


  • 5 Countries
  • 5 Programs
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West and Central Africa


  • 2 Countries
  • 3 Programs
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MENA Region


  • 7 Countries
  • 7 Programs
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East Asia & The Pacific


  • 6 Countries
  • 5 Programs
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South Asia


  • 4 Countries
  • 2 Programs
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Eastern Europe & Central Asia


  • 13 Countries
  • 5 Programs
View region page

Latin America & The Caribbean


  • 1 Country
  • 1 Program
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North America


  • 2 Countries
  • 2 Programs
View region page

Western Europe


  • 12 Countries
  • 2 Programs
View region page
  • 200+ Activities
  • 21,000+ People Reached
  • 100 Countries

Our Expertise

National strategies and action plans

National strategies and action plans

Assist governments in developing and implementing comprehensive National Countering Extremism and Violent Extremism Action Plans and Strategies.

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Strategic communication

Strategic communication

Develop innovative techniques to counter extremism and violent extremism narratives through communication strategies, campaigns and digital technology.

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Support efforts to enhance education systems by leveraging both religious and conventional education strategies to encourage youth resilience against extremism and violent extremism.

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Community resilience

Community resilience

Empower young people, local organizations, religious leaders and women to effectively implement counter extremism programs.

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Rehabilitation and reintegration

Rehabilitation and reintegration

Support rehabilitation and reintegration strategies for former and returning extremists and violent extremists and their family members by developing initiatives for successful reintegration.

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Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Minors Toolkit
Reports and Publications

Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Minors Toolkit

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UNGA 2024

UNGA 2024 Advancing Global Rehabilitation & Reintegration Efforts

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From Captivity to Freedom

Fatima Adamu (not her real name) was abducted by Boko Haram when her entire village in Yobe, Nigeria was attacked. She and many other women and their children were carted away in vehicles to an undisclosed location. Fatima lived in captivity for almost a decade until she got her freedom in 2021.

Hedayah, together with Neem Institute, are supporting families to prevent and counter violent extremism. Through its flagship program, the organizations are giving civil society organizations and community leaders’ the right knowledge and skills to positively support survivors like Fatima and empower families in supporting rehabilitation and reintegration efforts.

Read Fatima's Story