Eastern Europe and Central Asia
These regions face a diversity of violent extremism-related issues. Hundreds of returning foreign terrorist fighters, repatriating families and children present the most significant challenges. Some of the broader drivers of conflict lie in ethnic, political, economic and religious grievances and polarization. The instabilities in surrounding countries to this region due to violent extremism also pose a threat. While religiously driven violent extremism is most prominent in the region, racially and ethnically motivated violent extremism is also a growing concern.
Through various programs, we focus on empowering civil society organizations and other local stakeholders in building resilience communities and guiding local actors in developing relevant narratives to deconstruct and hinder the spread of violent extremist ideologies and rhetoric. We continue to expand research on local drivers of violent extremism and the effectiveness of CVE efforts. It is also important to promote cooperation among regional CVE organizations and institutions and to support governments in the development of effective rehabilitation and reintegration programs, as well as national CVE and communications strategies.
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