
Building a world without extremism and violent extremism

We prevent and counter extremism and violent extremism through evidence-based and innovative programs, strategic communications and world-class research.

As a global leader within the countering extremism and violent extremism community, we effectively build the capacity of communities and governments to promote tolerance, stability, and security.

Our strategic significance is in our ability to be:

  • A ‘Think and Do Tank’: A global thought leader and implementer of evidence-based and innovative countering extremism and violent extremism programs.
  • International: A diverse organization with a large global footprint and international convening power that leverages a unique global network of policymakers and practitioners.
  • Evidence-based: Ensures all programs are supported by robust evidence.
  • Neutral: An independent, apolitical and non-ideological organization providing a neutral and balanced platform for implementation and thought leadership.
  • Connected:  Connected and engaged with governments, the private sector, civil society and communities across the world to foster local ownership.
  • Collaborative: Ensures a meaningful collaborative approach to provide unique opportunities for donors and local partners to work together in CVE programs, and establish partnerships that fit the local and national context and find solutions that work.

Our Approach

Hedayah is committed to neutrality, integrity and diversity. We are dedicated to technical excellence and deliver groundbreaking research, innovative methodologies and programs. We deliver real and sustainable impact to governments, civil society and people impacted by extremism and violent extremism by prioritizing local ownership.

Our Story

Hedayah was created in response to a growing desire from the international community and members of the Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF), representing 29 countries and the European Union, to establish an independent, multilateral ‘think and do’ tank devoted to countering extremism and violent extremism.

Hedayah has evolved into a passionate, driven and international organization that brings together a vast network of unparalleled experts and practitioners to counter and prevent extremism and violent extremism. Our core team comprises 20 nationalities across four continents, over half of which are women. Twelve members of the GCTF are representatives on our diverse Steering Board, which provides strategic oversight. As one team, we are transforming lives by using our global experience to deliver creative solutions to complex challenges.

Our values

  • Excellence: Dedicated to high-quality performance.
  • Dedication: Passionate and committed.
  • Pragmatism: Deliver practical solutions to complex issues.
  • Innovation: Pursue new ideas and creative approaches.
  • Diversity: Committed to diversity, equity and inclusion.
  • Openness: Distribute and share resources transparently and widely.

Our vision

Building a world without extremism and violent extremism.

Our mission

We prevent and counter extremism and violent extremism through evidence-based and innovative programs, strategic communications and world-class research.

Our global reach

In efforts to ensure a holistic approach to reducing the risk of radicalization, we seek diverse perspectives from relevant experts around the world. To date, 100 countries have participated and/or contributed to our programs and activities.

East & Southern Africa


  • 5 Countries
  • 5 Programs
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West and Central Africa


  • 2 Countries
  • 3 Programs
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MENA Region


  • 7 Countries
  • 7 Programs
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East Asia & The Pacific


  • 6 Countries
  • 5 Programs
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South Asia


  • 4 Countries
  • 2 Programs
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Eastern Europe & Central Asia


  • 13 Countries
  • 5 Programs
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Latin America & The Caribbean


  • 1 Country
  • 1 Program
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North America


  • 2 Countries
  • 2 Programs
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Western Europe


  • 12 Countries
  • 2 Programs
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  • 200+ Activities
  • 21,000+ People Reached
  • 100 Countries