Using Digital Platforms to Prevent and Counter Violent Extremist Propaganda
With violent extremist groups using digital platforms to spread dangerous messages and fear online, there is a pressing need for further cooperation and coordination internationally.
Hedayah and the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT) have launched a partnership to ensure civil society and CVE practitioners have access to appropriate training and tools to counter violent extremist propaganda online.
Hedayah and GIFCT are providing useful tools on digital platforms and implementing initiatives for governments, policymakers, practitioners, and civil society organizations to better prevent the spread of violent extremist propaganda and to amplify counter- and alternative narratives to propaganda on digital platforms. Hedayah and GIFCT will also reduce sympathy and support for violent extremist groups and encourage those vulnerable to radicalization to consider alternative ways to express their grievances.
Hedayah and GIFCT are also working towards enhancing cooperation between civil society organizations and the private sector. Tech companies can leverage the local knowledge of civil society organizations, and civil society can benefit from tech expertise.
Hedayah and GIFCT will prevent violent extremism online through four STOP phases:
Collating tools to prevent violent extremist content on digital platforms and provide mentorship to civil society organizations.
A package of key tools will be available for the public to restrict the spread of violent extremist content online and promote counter, and alternative messages drawn from the GIFCT’s Member Resource Guide.
Developing materials to preventing violent extremist content on digital platforms.
Leveraging GIFCT’s Member Resource Guide, a joint training program will enhance the skills and knowledge of policymakers and civil society to reduce the spread and use of violent extremist propaganda on digital platforms.
Delivering programs for civil society organizations to prevent violent extremism and terrorism on digital platforms.
GIFCT with its resources and partners is teaming up with Hedayah to enhance the skills and knowledge of policymakers and civil society organizations, practitioners, and governments to learn more about preventing violent extremism on digital platforms through publicly available training materials.
Pushing forward global initiatives at the International CVE Research Conference.
In the upcoming International CVE Research Conference, Hedayah and GIFCT will share insights and research from the Global Network on Extremism and Technology (GNET), GIFCT’s academic partner providing cutting-edge research on the nexus between technology and extremism to reach a diverse, global audience that can apply the research in various contexts.