Rehabilitation and reintegration
We enhance, design and develop rehabilitation and reintegration strategies for former terrorists and returning violent extremists and their family members.
Former fighter experiences help us better understand how we can integrate this knowledge into existing and new programs to prevent radicalization and recruitment. We emphasize the importance of taking a comprehensive, locally-tailored approach, along with working with communities to mitigate stigmatization and community rejection in order to ensure the effectiveness of our programs.
Through holistic programs and publications, such as the “Blueprint of a Rehabilitation and Reintegration Center: Good Practices for Rehabilitating and Reintegrating Returning Foreign Terrorist Fighters and Their Families”, we emphasize the importance of taking a comprehensive approach, combining various elements, to ensure that these individuals reject violence and become constructive members of their communities.
Hedayah aims to contribute to these efforts by helping design and develop initiatives that seek to successfully reintegrate individuals back into society. This effort includes Returning Foreign Terrorist Fighters (RFTFs) and Home-Grown Terrorists, as well as radicalized youth, children and family members. We believe that some of the reintegrated individuals could even become positive role models with messages that can be valuable in preventing radicalization and recruitment within their communities. Additionally, Hedayah continues to better understand the experiences and narratives of formers to improve its existing and new CVE related projects.