
PCVE & Returnees

Implementer City Council of Delft
  • Netherlands
Program Type
  • Training
  • Detecting and Intervening Upon Return

The few hundreds of foreign terrorist fighters with a Dutch citizenship or nationality, children with at least one parent with a Dutch nationality or citizenship and returnees is flagged as a priority issue in countering violent extremism in the Netherlands. The City Council of Delft uses a multidisciplinary program and approach focusing on training, preventive projects and tailor-made interventions.


CSO Rehabilitation & Reintegration Program
Program Rehabilitation

CSO Rehabilitation & Reintegration Program

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Strengthening the Capacity of South and South East Asia Countries to Prevent and Counter Violent Extremism and Foreign Terrorist Fighters through Effective Criminal Justice Responses
Program Capacity Building

Strengthening the Capacity of South and South East Asia Countries to Prevent and Counter Violent Extremism and Foreign Terrorist Fighters through Effective Criminal Justice Responses

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Community Integration Support Program
Program Rehabilitation

Community Integration Support Program

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Countering Violent Extremism Intervention Programs
Program Intervention

Countering Violent Extremism Intervention Programs

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