
Creation of Local Administrative Structures in Charge of Radicalization

Implementer Ministry of the Interior – Prefects of each district (“Préfets de département”)
  • France
Program Type
  • Public Policy
  • Detecting and Intervening Against Recruitment and Facilitation
  • Detecting and Intervening Against Travel and Fighting
  • Detecting and Intervening Against Violent Extremism
  • Detecting and Intervening Upon Return

Each French district has set up an inter-agency structure monitoring radicalized persons and supporting their families. Several projects are developed in each district to provide psychological support to radicalized persons and help their social or professional reinsertion. Parents are offered personal support in dealing with radicalized children. The programs are state-sponsored, especially using the inter-ministerial fund for the prevention of delinquency.

The territorial units of the ministry of the Interior (“préfectures”) pilot the inter agency counter-radicalization policy in each district. They coordinate the territorial units of the ministries of Education, Justice (judicial protection of the youth), Health, Families and Youth. In addition, each “préfecture” partners with local associations providing help to relatives of radicalized children. Associations involved in preventing radicalization benefit from public subsidies.


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