Strategic Communication
We develop innovative techniques to counter extremist and violent extremist narratives through communication strategies, campaigns and digital technology.
Violent extremist organizations across the ideological spectrum fuel division and capitalize on heightened grievances and increased vulnerability. We implement strategic communications programs to build the capacities of governments and communities to counter the various ways that violent extremist organizations disseminate their ideologies to radicalize and recruit individuals, both online and offline. We empower authentic voices to discredit violent extremist groups and strengthen voices for unity and peace.
As violent extremist organizations continue to utilize advanced technology and tools to reach new recruits, we remain steadfast in our commitment to counter these advances that involve employing platforms such as our Counter-Narrative Library and Collections, programs involving Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), and/or credible messengers to discredit violent extremist messaging.
An effective area that we work in is developing communication strategies that complement a country’s National Action Plan. This new development has led to the country’s reaching out directly to Hedayah requesting support.
Hedayah prioritizes researching how counter-narratives and messaging campaigns are influencing knowledge and behavioral changes in their target audiences and determine which strategies and content are most effective. Through innovative projects such as Religious and Community Leaders Counter-messaging or Tackling Terrorist Use of the Internet through Media and Information Literacy and Social Media Platforms, Hedayah steps outside of traditional CVE programming. Additionally, with the rise of disinformation and propaganda from malign actors, Hedayah provides tailored programming through its digital and media literacy projects that can include sports diplomacy as well as traditional classroom activities.
Part of our programming includes bringing relevant stakeholders to a neutral platform, where ideas, creativity and new programming can thrive by convening global events. This is a critical component of Hedayah’s DNA and the strategic dialogues remain a key platform of our organization.