A world-leading CVE team
We deliver real and sustainable impact to governments, local organizations and people impacted by extremism by prioritizing local ownership.
Our passionate and driven international team brings together a vast network of unparalleled experts to counter and prevent violent extremism. Our core team comprises 20 nationalities across four continents, over half of which are women.
Since 2013, more than 70 interns from over 25 countries have joined us. The internship program ensures Hedayah is incorporating youth perspectives in advancing the efforts to prevent and counter violent extremism.
Together, we are dedicated to technical excellence and deliver groundbreaking research, innovative methodologies and programs globally.

H.E. Ahmed Al Qasimi
Ahmed Al Qasimi was nominated as the Executive Director of Hedayah, the International Center of Excellence for Countering Extremism and Violent Extremism. Mr. Al Qasimi brings significant public se…
Read moreStaff
Kadir Akin Gozel
Director of Research and AnalysisAkin joined Hedayah as a secondee from the Government of Türkiye in 2022, he has worked as a civil servant for the past…
Read moreDerek Walsh
Director of ProgramsDerek has over 13 years of experience in learning and development, training and capacity building, Prior to joining Heda…
Read moreSuha Shalabieh
Director of FinanceSuha has over 15 years of experience in finance, administration, and grants management. She worked at several internatio…
Read moreAbeer Makki
Executive Affairs ManagerAbeer has over a decade of a successful career in the private, government and international sectors bringing executive e…
Read moreEmma Allen
Program Manager Research and AnalysisEmma is a Program Manager in the Research and Analysis Department. She joined Hedayah in March 2022. Emma provides manag…
Read moreHafedh Dridi
Program Manager ProgramsHafedh is a seasoned strategic communication practitioner with a decade of experience in strategy development, program d…
Read moreIrene Belmonte
Program Manager EU STRIVE Global ProgramIrene is an international cooperation professional with over 15 years of experience working on the ground with NGOs in s…
Read moreVictoria Steven
Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Officer Research and AnalysisVictoria joined Hedayah as the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Officer in June 2024. She manages Hedayah’s M…
Read moreAlessia Gualtieri
Senior Program Associate ProgramsAlessia is a multilingual researcher/legal advisor with over 8 years of experience in performing multidisciplinary resea…
Read moreOmar James Kanaan
Communications Officer Corporate CommunicationsOmar joined Hedayah in the Spring of 2022 and has been supporting the Dialogue and Communications team since then. He ha…
Read moreFarangiz Atamuradova
Program Officer Research and AnalysisFarangiz is a Program Officer in the Research and Analysis Department. She joined Hedayah in February 2018. Farangiz le…
Read moreHatem Shatnawi
Program Manager ProgramsHatem has over 12 years of experience working with UN agencies, USAID, GiZ, and other international NGOs. He has an exte…
Read moreMichaela Rana
Program Associate ProgramsMichaela is a Program Associate at Hedayah where she supports the full program life cycle in various rehabilitation and …
Read moreLilah El Sayed
Program Associate ProgramsSince 2013, Lilah has worked across several departments at Hedayah. Her roles at Hedayah ranged from supporting the Exec…
Read moreMasabo Djailani
Logistics Coordinator Administration and FinanceMasabo is responsible for managing day-to-day logistics within Hedayah, in addition to coordinating logistical operation…
Read moreFadi Hamad
IT Specialist Administration and FinanceFadi Hamad is a computer engineer with more than 13 years of experience in the IT field. Fadi believes that IT is one of…
Read moreElaine Ayson
Programs Support Officer Administration and FinanceExperienced administrative management professional with over 13 years of experience in effective and comprehensive suppo…
Read moreThe reason I started working in countering-violent extremism was because of my interest in rehabilitating child soldiers and reducing armed conflict in the Philippines. This is very personal to me, and drives my work, because it impacted my family.
Elaine Ayson Programs Support OfficerFellows

Adrian Shtuni
Senior Research FellowAdrian Shtuni, CEO of Shtuni Consulting LLC, is a Washington D.C.-based foreign policy, security, and strategic communic…

Edward Lemon
Associate Research FellowEdward Lemon is Assistant Professor of Eurasian Studies at the Daniel Morgan Graduate School, Washington DC. Between …

Göktuğ Sönmez
Senior Research FellowAsst. Prof. Dr. Göktuğ Sönmez got his bachelor’s degree in International Relations from Bilkent University, his Mas…

Greg Barton
Senior Research FellowGreg is a Research Professor in Global Islamic Politics in the Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation…

Jocelyn Bélanger
Associate Research FellowJocelyn Bélanger is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at New York University Abu Dhabi. He earned his master's degre…

Lorenzo Vidino
Senior Research FellowDr. Lorenzo Vidino is the Director of the Program on Extremism at George Washington University. An expert on Islamism in…

Martine Zeuthen
Associate Research FellowMartine Zeuthen, who is based in Kenya, focuses on extremism and radicalization, countering violent extremism, program m…

Mohammed Abdel Rahem
Senior Research FellowDr. Mohammed Abdel Rahem was born in November 1977 in Egypt and is working as a Lecturer at the SISD "Section of Islamic…

Noah Tucker
Associate Research FellowNoah Tucker is a Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council Eurasia Center and program associate at George Washington Univers…

Orla Lynch
Senior Research FellowDr. Orla Lynch is currently a Senior Lecturer in Criminology and Asc. Dean of Graduates Studies at University College Co…

Stuart Macdonald
Senior Research FellowStuart Macdonald is Professor of Law at Swansea University, U.K. Stuart’s research interests lie in criminal law and c…

Thomas Koruth Samuel
Senior Research FellowThomas Koruth Samuel is at present the Regional Consultant for Terrorism Prevention with the United Nations Office on Dr…

Trauma plays a significant role in the story of terrorism, from adverse childhood experiences to grievance, to retribution to regret. The transgenerational impact of trauma and the victim-perpetrator cycle has serious implications for the sustainability of terrorism.
Dr. Orla Lynch Senior Research Fellow