
Foreign Terrorist Fighters & Returnees – Technical Table of the Counter-Terrorism Strategic Analysis Committee

Implementer Carabinieri Corps, National Police, Guardia di Finanza, National Intelligence and Security Agency (AISI), External Intelligence and Security Agency (AISE), Penitentiary Administration Department
  • Italy
Program Type
  • Coordination
  • Detecting and Intervening Against Recruitment and Facilitation
  • Detecting and Intervening Against Travel and Fighting
  • Detecting and Intervening Against Violent Extremism
  • Detecting and Intervening Upon Return

The C.A.S.A. Technical Table convene meetings periodically in order to:

  • Draw up the “consolidated list of FTF” linked to Italy and classified by categories, which is periodically updated and enhanced by the information provided by each administration;
  • Establish the preventative and/or judicial initiatives to be undertaken based on dangerousness level;
    • Preventative/judicial interceptions;
    • Administrative measures (withdrawal of residence permits, administrative expulsions, inadmissibility on the Italian and Schengen territory) or discreet surveillance reports;
    • Interviews of family members
  • Coordinate prevention activities in order to avoid duplication and waste of resources;
  • Discuss the best practices and lessons learned derived from the experience acquired in other countries.


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