

Implementer (Portal for education between Islam, Islamism and Islamophobia)
  • Germany
Program Type
  • Public-Private Partnership
  • Detecting and Intervening Against Violent Extremism

The Berlin-based ( association co-operates with the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences. It is supported by the Ministry for Family Affairs within the scope of the democracy initiative and financed by the foundation Robert-Bosch-Stiftung. The association is engaged in youth work at school as well as extracurricular youth work with young Muslims and tries to foster their understanding of Islam as a system of values. The main focus is on Islam in Germany, Muslim youth culture and issues of civic education. produced educational material and handouts on topics such as Islam (e.g. Islam in school), the Middle East conflict. An example for such a handout is the film package «Wie wollen wir leben?» (How do we want to live?), which was presented in April 2014. It provides teachers, social workers and youth workers with a selection of films and materials on Islam, islamophobia and democracy for educational practice. The films aim at raising the young people›s awareness of enemy concepts and oversimplified views of the world, strengthening their media competence and motivating young Muslims in particular to play a greater part in society.


Strengthening Counter-Terrorism Measures
Program Capacity Building

Strengthening Counter-Terrorism Measures

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Creation of Local Administrative Structures in Charge of Radicalization
Program Public Policy

Creation of Local Administrative Structures in Charge of Radicalization

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Program Deradicalization


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Strengthening the Capacity of South and South East Asia Countries to Prevent and Counter Violent Extremism and Foreign Terrorist Fighters through Effective Criminal Justice Responses
Program Capacity Building

Strengthening the Capacity of South and South East Asia Countries to Prevent and Counter Violent Extremism and Foreign Terrorist Fighters through Effective Criminal Justice Responses

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