
Religious Rehabilitation Group

Implementer Religious Rehabilitation Group
  • Singapore
Program Type
  • Rehabilitation
  • Detecting and Intervening Against Recruitment and Facilitation
  • Detecting and Intervening Against Travel and Fighting
  • Detecting and Intervening Against Violent Extremism
  • Detecting and Intervening Upon Return

Formed and officially launched in 23 April 2003, RRG is a voluntary group consisting of individual Islamic scholars and teachers in Singapore.

The RRG’s mission is to correct the misinterpretation of Islamic concepts and dispel the extremist and terrorist ideologies they have been indoctrinated with. Rehabilitation seeks to counter detainees’ ideological misunderstanding of religion and help them come to terms with the fact that they have been misled. By acknowledging the inappropriateness of their behavior, future criminal acts can be prevented. As the detainees’ ideology often affects their family members, RRG counsels the latter as well to avoid and disrupt the vicious ideological cycle.

Another important feature of the rehabilitation program is to stimulate the minds of the detainees to understand Islam in the Singapore context. The program aims to show that living Islam rightfully in Singapore is practicable and fulfilling, in the hopes that such efforts would contribute towards preserving the safety and security of Singapore.

Besides its primary counseling and rehabilitation work, the RRG is also committed to building social resilience in the community through its outreach programs. Since 2005, the RRG has organized conferences, forums, dialogue sessions and briefings to educate the community about key Islamic concepts which have often been misinterpreted by terrorist and extremist groups such as JI, Al Qaeda and Daesh.


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Program Rehabilitation

Community Integration Support Program

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Program Intervention


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