Rehabilitation and Reintegration of RFTF
From 4-7 October 2016, Hedayah, in partnership with the International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law (IIJ) officially launched the first phase of the Returning Foreign Terrorist Fighters (RFTF) initiative and organized an interactive workshop on the topic for Tunisia in Rome, Italy. A group of representatives from the government and civil society of Tunisia attended an interactive workshop in Rome on the rehabilitation and reintegration of returnees.
The initiative, supported by the Governments of Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States, is based on a set of 22 principles (Malta Principles for Reintegrating Returning Foreign Terrorist Fighters (RFTFs)) representing global good practices in reintegration, developed by a variety of subject matter experts from across the globe.
At the end of the workshop participants produced four draft action plans to be further tailored in the successive phase of the RFTF program. Hedayah will continue to work with the government and civil society in Tunisia to further advance this initiative at the local level.