The Counter Extremism Hub
The Hub is a global CVE web portal that seeks to bring together all relevant actors working in the field of CVE.
It provides an opportunity for practitioners, researchers, governments, and policymakers to showcase their relevant work, practices and knowledge.
As an interactive online portal, the Counter Extremism Hub presents a number of features including a resource library to access all the latest CVE reports and publications. Users can also create their own profiles and connect with other individuals and organizations in the field using the Hub’s global directory. The Hub also features a forum allowing for discussions on current and pressing violent extremist threats.
The European Union’s Strengthening Resilience to Violent Extremism (STRIVE) Global program at Hedayah, the International Center of Excellence for Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) and the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD), a global ‘think and do tank’ dedicated to powering solutions to extremism and polarization, developed the Counter Extremism Hub.
The Hub welcomes individuals and organizations to register and gain access to its many features.