CSO Rehabilitation & Reintegration Program
This CSO Rehabilitation & Reintegration Program is a 2.5 year initiative focusing on Sahel, East Africa and Southeast Asia regions. It is directed at violent extremist offenders (VEOs), Returning Foreign Terrorist Fighters (RFTFs), juvenile offenders, abductees, vigilantes, victims, International Displaced Persons (IDPs), women, children born and families. The program focuses on socialization processes and sensitizing communities on how to overcome fears, suspicions and resentment. As a psycho-social care solution, the program intends to offer multi-month counseling course and train lay counselors, peace coaches, and religious leaders to offer assistance. To provide better access to legal aid, the program plans to use of SMS platforms to expand access to legal information and consolidate and simplify it on online platform. It aims at financial empowerment by engaging private sector in rehabilitation and reintegration efforts to include providing women with job with necessary skills for jobs.