
Action Plan Radicalism

Implementer Implemented by the Belgian government – but the overall coordination is in the hands of CUTA (Coordination Unit for Threat Analysis)
  • Belgium
Program Type
  • Coordination
  • Detecting and Intervening Against Recruitment and Facilitation
  • Detecting and Intervening Against Travel and Fighting
  • Detecting and Intervening Against Violent Extremism
  • Detecting and Intervening Upon Return

The action plan consists in the installation of a national task force (NTF) and different local task forces. These task forces are the information exchange platforms between the different services (security, intelligence and prevention services). Even judicial services are present.

Thanks to the information exchange all kinds of measures can be proposed to the federal and local authorities in order to reduce the impact of radicals and extremists. This is in order to prevent terrorist attacks and radicalisation.

At the mayors level we’ve setup ‘local integrated security cell’ – a platform where security (local police) can meet with social/prevention services. So there is an actual information exchange, and an integrated approach of this social problem is made possible.


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