
Referral and Support Program for Australians Exposed to Overseas Conflicts

Implementer Australian Government Attorney-General’s Department grant to Multicultural New South Wales (state government agency)
  • Australia
Program Type
  • Community Engagement
  • Detecting and Intervening Against Violent Extremism
  • Detecting and Intervening Upon Return

The program will provide a holistic service for individuals exposed to or affected by current overseas conflicts who may present a range of psycho-social and health issues including, but not limited to, the risk of radicalization. The program will assist individuals and families of individuals who have been directly exposed to or affected by overseas conflicts by providing a “gateway service” which supports clients in navigating and linking into the existing services.


Strengthening Counter-Terrorism Measures
Program Capacity Building

Strengthening Counter-Terrorism Measures

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Countering Extremism
Program Media Campaign

Countering Extremism

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Literacy and Awareness Program in Mosques
Program Community Engagement

Literacy and Awareness Program in Mosques

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Prevention Network Religiously Motivated Extremism
Program Public-Private Partnership

Prevention Network Religiously Motivated Extremism

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