
Community Integration Support Program

Implementer Australian Government Attorney-General’s Department grant to Victoria Police (state police agency)
  • Australia
Program Type
  • Rehabilitation
  • Detecting and Intervening Against Recruitment and Facilitation
  • Detecting and Intervening Against Violent Extremism
  • Detecting and Intervening Upon Return

This program is aimed at the rehabilitation of imprisoned terrorists and offers a holistic approach to rehabilitation, including both pre and post-release components. Through religious and social engagement with participants, the program seeks to rehabilitate and reintegrate convicted terrorists and prisoners assessed as holding radical beliefs. The program is led by Victoria Police, with the Islamic Council of Victoria managing the day-to-day running of the program.


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Program Public-Private Partnership

Advice Centre on Radicalisation

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Program Community Engagement, Intervention

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Prevention Network Religiously Motivated Extremism
Program Public-Private Partnership

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Hedayah's Returning Foreign Terrorist Fighters (RFTF) Capacity Building Program
Program Capacity Building, Training

Hedayah's Returning Foreign Terrorist Fighters (RFTF) Capacity Building Program

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